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It was snowing... and the snow reminded me of a particular memory.

A nostalgic, good, and painful, but also something that reminded me of a warmth that was one of a kind.

The scene of her death... it wasn't something I will ever forget. And this snow, my first snow after her death, was now something special for me.

But, Rein had a sad and hateful look on her face.

[{ What's wrong... sister Rein? }] Celes saw her distorted face too so she asked her with a concerned voice.

And she smiled at her voice, washing off the bad expression that she knew wasn't something I... any of us would like.

"Haaa..." she sighed and looked at all of us one by one, and lastly at me.

Her eyes said she didn't want to talk about this but still, she talked through Celes's connection.

[{ "Winter and snow... I don't like it much.

My mom died when it was snowing. It was snowing when I fought my first battle and was badly injured.