Ball's conclusion

"It was amazing. So amazing I couldn't stop eating once I started. It was some of the best ones I have eaten in my life.

I thought it was made by some new chef on par with the maker of my favorite chocolates so I went to see sir head chef.

But then he praised how you were the one to give them all the methods and recipes for them and also that I should talk with you about these things.

The chocolate was so good… especially that unique thing which seemed wafer-like from the inside.

Those candies were sweet too. And not to mention this amazing chocolate cake with such richness and a bit of a spicy tick. It's amazing~.

Anyway, I went to the head chef to ask if we could get the methods and recipes for these things, but he said to ask for things related to this from you.

I would really appreciate it if you do think about it. Just say the price you want and I will send someone to finalize things when I get back.