The illusionary island

[Eon's POV: ]

While the vice president was explaining the fundamentals of student council to us, I was using my third eye to scan the skies and noticed a big land mass out in the distance.

This seemed odd because there shouldn't be any sky islands nearby, and certainly not in such a wide-open area.

It was peculiar, so I showed it to Rein with our vision sharing. And as we got closer, and it became more visible, the vice president arrived at the crucial part of our task in this examination.

[ "Alright. Listen up, newbies. In nearly three minutes from now, every single examinee, including all of you, will be thrown onto the illusionary sky island.

It is a special space headmaster created and will maintain for the three-hour time period of examination, which will be three days on that island.

That space is an illusion, but they are illusions created by our crazy headmaster, so they will be nothing less than the real thing.