What is Mana?

[Eon's POV: ]

"Doron. What is Mana?" He asked while looking at a certain boy in our column a few seats ahead of us and then the crystal ball he was holding shrunk down a little as the bats he created earlier lifted it and placed it before him.

The boy was wearing common clothing with nothing fancy and this out-of-the-blue question surprised him more than necessary.

He was stunned and even after a moment had passed, we didn't get an answer from him.

"It looks like I robbed young Doron of all his words, hm? Well, it is fine. Just put your hand on the crystal before you so we could see your elemental affinity."

The boy was still stunned even after his question and just kept looking ahead like a frozen statue, and when it looked like he wasn't going to say anything, a girl wearing an attractive dress raised her hand.

"Oh-ho? We have our first hand-raise. Then let's go to the young lady...?"