Attraction and foolish kids

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After Rein and Eon left the council office, the president and vice president breathed a sigh of relief. This was really their first time meeting a couple like them.

"She is gorgeous. Especially her eyes. They are… I want to worship them."

"Woah, woah, woah. Cradle? That's too pure. You don't say stuff like that."

The vice president was sitting there, stretching on the chair, smiling like she had found something precious in her life.

But in the eyes of her friend that knew her well, this was some absurd stuff she would only say after getting stoned.

"She is special, Zod…" 

She was smiling warmly, looking at the ceiling, thinking about a few things, some appropriate, some too unsafe to mention here. But, there was also hesitation and anger deep in her eyes.

"You can't have her, Cred. She already belongs to someone."