Saying goodbye to cuties

[Eon's POV: ]

[< "Yes, yes. We will definitely meet again. I promise. 

You can ask sir Quesnel for permission if any of you want to stay in this garden as well. That way, we will be able to meet often." >]

There were few left now, thankfully, and these were my last words to these cute creatures, hopefully.

"Miiiii? Mi, mi?"

[< "You can't live away from your parents young one. Not until you are capable enough to survive on your own. And besides, if they do not allow, I can't do anything about it." >]

"Miiiiii… Mi."

[< "Yes, so, go home for now. As your parents and see what they say." >]

This specific one was a special one among my bunch. She was young and belonged to a carnivore family of [Tusk Chinchilla]. 

She wasn't that special in terms of skills or abilities, but, her intelligence was a level higher than the othercreates present here.