Green-eyed Kalpic Apes

[Eon's POV: ]

"Wait… but are mass-produced Mana clothes even possible? Like we need that certain person's Mana to make the clothes react to that kind of change, no?"

"Mass produced Mana clothing…"

"The idea sounds nice Tia. But, I don't know if it's even possible to do so or not."

"It's possible."

Everyone looked towards me as soon as I said that with a smile on my face. An excited one that only Uriel, Carla, Alf, and Chry were familiar with.

"It is most certainly possible."

These people were seeing this smile for perhaps the first time but, they will remember it after today. I knew that much. 

[{ Master is excited~! Hehehehe~! Something biiiiiiiiig is going to happen~! }]

Celes knew it as well, and, after seeing this smile, the way the look in their eyes changed was quite a fun sight to me.