Start of the finale

[Eon's POV: ]


Miss Mia and Ball have been talking for a while now. And from the looks of it, it looks like what I read from their lip movements was actually the truth.

"What are you thinking about, Eon?"

"Hmm? Oh, Rein…"

It was currently breaktime, so we people on the balcony were having some tea and snacks.

Some people had gone out for some fresh air, but since we had no reason to go anywhere anymore, we were just chilling here. And, since I was looking at the ground for a while now, Rein asked me with a little concerned expression.

"It's nothing much for me, though… if I do tell you, it would be a big deal to you."

"A big deal to me…? Why's that?"

We were having tea by ourselves right now. With a barrier separating us from the rest of the useless public here.

And I made the tea myself, so she had been drinking it with a joyful face until I made her worry with my words.