As a teacher

[Rein's POV: ]

[{ "You are crying, darling." }]

He is crying… how cute.

[{ "No I'm not. This is just water coming out of my eyes." }]

Nah, he is crying. Cute bastard.

[{ "How do you feel about this? One of your students managed to create an entire damn theoretical structure of a hypothetical solution?" }]

I didn't really need an answer from him since all I wanted to know from him was shining in his eyes. But there was a unique fun hearing it directly from him. 

[{ "This feels fuzzy…" }]

Awwww~. He was feeling proud of his students, amazed at their achievements, and excited for their future.

He loved his team, yes. But in this moment, he was feeling the kind of joy only a teacher whose students have achieved something few in this world are capable of. 

Something that was even beyond the expectations of their teacher themselves.