Dealing with divine powers

[OP: ]

Te Black angel moved so fast that even the captains of the guards of the Hiraani couldn't properly grasp his movements, it was as if he was moving through space-time directly— teleporting in simpler terms.

He was strong and had something that the others did not understand, something most mortals in this world wouldn't understand.

However, Eon was different.



The opponent wasn't using his bare hands anymore. There was a dagger that seemed to be made up of some kind of crystal in his hand, a dagger so well crafted that even the dwarven craftsmanship was dull before it.

It was a divine artifact, Eon could tell at a glance, an artifact that was above anything that existed in this word. A weapon that one could even compare with the Soul armaments that only a handful of people actually possessed.

"I underestimated you severely, young master Axion. You certainly aren't just a strong 'young' boy."