The stage

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ "He looks pretty good. Though, the two of you don't." }]

The headmaster was giving his speech about how he was relieved to see us, how there were a loooooooot of things happening at the island when we were gone and things abouts things that we knew already.

So… we had our own little conversation going on.

[{ "Well, no one would look after working their asses off for three days straight. Do you know how much the headmaster works, man? It's fucking crazy!" }]

Cradle sounded genuinely frustrated at that moment. It was as if she had worked three consecutive full day shifts with only a little break in between a few hours, which was kind of funny considering she was smiling right now.

[{ "He perhaps knows how much that bastard headmaster of ours works, you know Cradle? I remember he was telling me about what the headmaster does a while back." }]

[{ "You aren't supposed to tell them that, dummy." }]