Potency of Mana

[Eon's POV: ]

"Imagine water…

The most basic unit: droplets. 

They gather together higher up in the atmosphere, create clouds.

Due to temperature, the crystallised water drops gather together and rain down, or snow down in colder places.

Water Drops come down to earth and fill up the natural sources of water.

Water levels in rivers, lakes, even underground water sources increase and they flow from the higher ground to the lower ones."

He was drawing the entire water cycle on the other side of the blackboard right now.

"Rivers that originate from the mountains flow all the way down to the ground, then after connecting to multiple streams, it reaches the ocean, the largest water source on the planet."

He was using different colours to illustrate different phases of the cycle, and he was talented when it came to drawing these things.

They almost seemed realistic.