Getting crowded

[Eon's POV: ]

"You're a bastard."

"You looked pretty though. Wasn't that good?"

"Good? What's good? People seeing me like that?"


"You're out of your mind."

"For you, of course. I'm out-."

"Get a room, you two."

-Dhup. Dhup.

Tia came from the behind and slapped both of us on our backs.

"Leave them, Tia. Let them have their little moment while they still can."

Then Lizzy grabbed her before she could slap me once again, and dragged her back to the rest of them.

She was happy right now and we all knew how she behaves whenever she is happy like this so we had to stop her from doing anything else at least this time.

"Right, today is unexpectedly crowded here."

The general classes were over so it was lunchtime and that meant that the rest of the school was now either gathered in the cafeteria or in the garden.

'Us, as usual, were in the garden.'