Creatures of paradise

[Zoe's POV: ]

"What about you, Zoe?"

Quin had answered, and so did Med, Jen, Ezra, and Lizzy.

And, regardless of rights or wrong, the creators that they considered to be the rarest were most certainly rare creatures that were rare enough to be something that any other student in our grades might never even get the chance to see in their lifetimes.

'Some of them were rare, some of them were one of a kind, while some of them were so unique that they were some of the few left of their kind in this world.'

From Med's perspective, the rarest one was the creature that resembled a turtle but was in fact a creature that belonged to the snake kind.

It was the biggest creature present here so it was pretty common to consider it the rarest since it was certainly just too big. 

It was covering a tenth of this cave alone, and that too when his upper body was under the ground in the water.