It’s their home, not ours

[Eon's POV: ]

A paradise, as we all know, is a place or state of perfect happiness, harmony, and beauty. 

It's a magical place that is often associated with an utopian or idealised setting where everything is as one desires or imagines, free from pain, suffering, or conflict.

A state of eternal bliss, something one would want to experience for time immortal.

This unique state is something close to what a liberated soul freed from the worldly restrictions might feel, or at least, it's close to that.

'That's what a paradise we humans know.'

The Paradise of the Beasts, on the other hand, is a mythical sanctuary where creatures of all kinds live in perfect harmony. 

'In all the stories I know that have described this unique place, they have mentioned some very unrealistic things about creatures and their lives in these special places.'