Three days before the midterms

[Eon's POV: ]

"Haaa… what to do now?" She sounded pretty bored as she made a dove out of a piece of paper.

"Have you gone through the subjects?" 

"Yup." She was 

"Have you revised them?"


"Have you read your notes, my notes, and gone through the extra material I prepared?"

"Yup, yup, and yup. I was bored last night so I even talked with the teachers. 

They were surprised how I was asking them philosophical questions at 3 AM instead of syllabus questions.

But the questions I asked kinda made sense so we all ended up having a fun debate till morning."

"Ah, now I understand what was going on with you this morning."

Not long was left before the exams, and we were done with everything in the course.

We had prepared more than enough to get a good score on all the subjects. 

We were pretty much done with the Conference preparations for now as well.