
[Rein's POV: ]

"Huuuuuu… finally. Fucking finally."

I was finally away form that bastard's boring fucking chatter. 

'I can't describe how better I feel right now, haaaa!'

Just being near that annoying piece of good little shit was annoying but the way he was annoying me with all those unnecessary things was just unbelievable.

"Can you imagine Branwen!? That piece of pink trash?! He was like, hey look~. I'm no better than you bitch~. 

He started saying things that might be asked in the test, saying things that most definitely weren't anything of value, things that I know for certain were useless, and while saying all those shitty things, he acted like he owned the world or something. 

With his nose high, small ass chest puffed up… I mean, there's only fat and bones in that guy! What the hell is he even showing off?!"

He annoyed the hack out of me and I genuinely wanted to punch that guy in the face…"