Captain Vs. Vice-captain

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Fascinated mages was the headmaster's house and as the name suggested, most of the students that were in this house were related to magic.

They weren't all mages, but they surely had talent for magic and all of them were unique.

The captains of this house, Lizzy and Alf were both people who possessed special magical abilities as well.

If one was gifted with magic by mother nature herself, the other had developed all his magical prowess with his hard work and his eternal greed for knowledge.

Not many knew about Lizzy's skills but, as someone who knew her closely, both Quin and Alf were aware of them.

Alfred had learned ever since he was young.

He knew about his talent ever since he was young and he studied magic ever since he was able to read.

The very first book that he had picked up by himself was related to magic, and after that day, he had filled his entire house with books related to magic.