How food connects everything

[Eon's POV: ]

"How… do you make this?"

After a long discussion and sharing of thoughts, ideas, changing and drawing of various inner elements and outlining the engine that we will use to make our entire island floatable, we were now having a lunch break.

"It's nothing special, teacher. We take a few vegetables, mix them with a bunch of spices, the ones you're eating are special ones that we bought just this morning, and then you throw everything together, prepare them at a good temperature, mix them, add a few more things and, well, that's it."

Half of the people that came here had come here for my food, and, I couldn't just let them go without feeding them.

'I want them to come back to all the meetings we will have here for the rest of the time we have before the festival. And, if not anything else, this food should be their motivation to come here.'