Rayray’s abilities

[Zoe's POV: ]

[{ Master, did you see that? }]

[{ "I did, but I'm not sure I understand why they would do that." }]

The festival is approaching, we are almost done with the preparations in the academy, there isn't much left for us students, but there certainly is a lot that we still have to do about the competition project.

'Yet, with just a week left, here we are, sitting in the garden, observing everyone else by ourselves, while at the same time keeping an eye on the evil cult members who had started moving in a certain manner.'

The ones present on the island are strong, a lot stronger than the ones big brother had faced at the Lakmer battle, but their strength isn't all there is to them.

[{ I think they're trying to create a summoning circle with all those ingredients. You know how I told you about the (T-DOT) type summoning? }]