How a veteran fights

[Rein's POV: ] 

"In the courtyard's dust, I stand and wait, as a spectator to their eager fate. 

Their laughter, their screams and their enthusiasm rings, so free, so bold, it stirs the memories I thought had grown cold. 

They spar with joy, they hide their intentions, they fight with their skills and abilities, no killing intentions present in their innocent minds, unscarred by strife, Unknowing of the cost of a Real life."

The battlefield had been my Home for a long time.

So, seeing this Training brought up more than what I had expected…

"I see the spark in every swinging blade, I see the light of every glowing spell, and I hear the screams of every vanishing, defeated child…

But feel the weight of all the ones I've laid…"

This was a battlefield simulation training but the teachers didn't add the actual, darker elements of a battlefield, or a war this time around since this was Their first time.