As the exam approaches

[Eon's POV: ] 

Scrapping the group discussion idea for the end Semester exams, we all decided to just spend that particular day teaching one another in the academy's common training ground.

The importance of practicality was going to be obvious this time around from what we have learned, so fighting with one another and teaching each other some stuff was more beneficial for all of us than a useless gathering where I know we would have ended up wasting most of our time if not most of it.

[{ "The headmaster didn't say much yesterday." }]

The training area in the academy is pretty big so most of us are fighting against one another in groups, or if the ones fighting were individuals like Luna and Hide, then they were the only ones fighting.

[{ "I know. But as he said, let's leave it to them this time as well. They had been making quite some progress with the cultists lately." }]