Mountain god Gu village! Lang Fengshan!_1

Su Jie had taken over the position of the original envoy of the diamond Hall, li Bocai. Li Bocai had been killed, and the heavenly door naturally needed to investigate the reason.

"Then we'll do as Hall Master says." Su Jie pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He also knew that many people would not be happy if he became an emissary as a newcomer. To avoid trouble, he might as well do what Jiang Xuan had said and make a contribution! Once and for all!

Vice Hall Master BA Kong did not say much. If su Jie failed the mission, he would naturally have the opportunity to let his nephew go on stage!

well, things are settled like this. Now, everyone is dismissed. Li Bocai's confidants will tell you the details and will investigate the matter of li Bocai's emissary with you.

Jiang Xuan finally said.

The higher-ups of the diamond Hall in the hall gradually dispersed.