Earth list's combat power! One against 1000

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large number of martial artists could not care less about accidentally injuring their companions. One by one, they quickly drew their bows and shot arrows at su Jie.

Even most of the qi and blood Realm martial artists had bodies of flesh and blood. Faced with the attack of ten thousand arrows, they were unable to Dodge, and the result was that they were shot into a hornet's nest.

"Ka ka ka!"

80 - 90% of the arrows were torn into pieces by su Jie's whirlwind-like blade Qi before they could even get close to him. A small number of arrows managed to pass through the blade Qi whirlwind and hit su Jie's body.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

However, when these arrows hit su Jie's body, they could not even penetrate his skin. They were bounced off and fell to the ground.

Without using the body hardening technique, the toughness of su Jie's muscles and skin was comparable to some of the best quality armors. Ordinary weapons could not even tear his skin!