Chapter 118-the third clone, the Black Tortoise

However, once a life was born, it would come into contact with the foul energy of the world and the innate energy would gradually dissipate.

Many members of large families and immortal sects would use various medicines and methods to strengthen and purify their connate Qi while they were still in their mothers 'wombs. As a result, their cultivation talent was top-notch the moment they were born!

The black turtle clone had a mature spiritual intelligence in its embryonic state. It was a unique existence if it took the initiative to cultivate!

the Tao Wu demonic beast is already very talented. My black turtle clone started cultivating in the black turtle egg. Once it is born, how powerful will its bloodline be? "

Su Jie was extremely excited after he understood this. To start cultivating before birth would definitely make the black turtle clone a unique existence. Once it was born, it would be a top genius among the demonic beasts!