Evil spirit Palace! Evil spirit Warrior!_2

The divine Dao technique. Gold chapter Level 6!

Su Jie did not dare to be careless. He circulated the true Qi in his body and his right fist was like a golden shooting star as he met the difficulties.


The two heavy fists collided. Earth energy and genuine Qi collided, and power rubbed against power. A deafening boom spread out.

A huge shock wave caused the bricks and stones on the ground to be shaken off the floor, flying and shattering!

Deng Deng Deng!

Su Jie took three steps back and his arm was slightly numb.

"This Feng ronghao has been in the Qi Grandmaster stage for many years, his cultivation is far above mine!"

Su Jie had suffered a small loss in just one exchange, and his heart trembled.