The master of the heavenly martial Alliance

Of course, even though one could make huge progress in a short period of time by relying on this method to forcefully increase one's cultivation, it would also damage one's Foundation, making it difficult for one to make great progress in cultivation in the future. Su Jie would not be so short-sighted.

I'll call the blood-red Qi that's transformed from the ghost crystal ghost Qi. Although I can't absorb it directly, I can understand its essence and use it to temper my Bloodstone true Qi. Perhaps I can create the armor-transforming technique of body hardening technique and make it reach the seventh level, transforming Bloodstone true Qi into gang Qi!

Su Jie's mind began to race.

The ghost energy in this ghost crystal had the effect of forcefully increasing one's cultivation. Su Jie had to carefully understand it and perhaps he could use it to improve his body hardening technique!