Chapter 20 Brother's Secret is Discovered _1

"Happy Garden Community.

After finishing her evening self-study, Ding Xiaoyou returned home tired, and went to her bedroom to rest after eating the dinner her mother had prepared.

As usual, before going to sleep, Ding Xiaoyou took out her phone to check out the current news.


When Ding Xiaoyou was reading the Xia Country Daily News on Twitter, she found a trending topic that aroused her interest.



Out of curiosity, Ding Xiaoyou clicked on this trending topic, and found out that it was about a school hunk from Mist City Arts and Science University.

Mist City Arts and Science University?

Isn't that where her brother studies?

"Eh? Isn't this ... my brother's friend Huang Youjie?"

With just one glance at the "school hunk's" photo in the trending topics, Ding Xiaoyou instantly recognized that this cross-dressing marvel was her brother's good friend, Huang Youjie.


Ding Xiaoyou couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The cross-dressing good friend of her brother, surprisingly, was chosen as one of their school's hunks, how interesting that was.

"Xiao You, what are you laughing at?"

Recognizing that Ding Xiaoyou's laughter was too loud, her mother Zhang Yuping, who was in the living room, asked curiously.

"It's nothing."

Ding Xiaoyou answered, then discreetly covered her mouth again, unable to resist laughing.

Then, Ding Xiaoyou opened Whatsapp and called her brother's video line.



"Hey, little sister, what do you want calling me this late?"

In the video, her brother Ding Yue laid in bed, dressed in pyjamas, obviously ready to fall asleep.

"Brother, I saw it on Twitter."

Xiaoyou said earnestly.

"What? You saw what? Why are you neglecting your studies and surfing Twitter?"

Ding Yue immediately panicked.

His sister Ding Xiaoyou was on Twitter too? That was bad news! Mist City Arts and Science University was frequently trending on Twitter these days.

Discovery was imminent.

And Xiaoyou just said she saw something on Twitter?

Was the lie he told to their mother about getting admitted to university, when he had actually failed his College Entrance Examination and started a false university, about to be exposed?

"Brother, your friend Huang Youjie is too funny. He was actually chosen as a school hunk at your university. It's really hilarious, hahaha~"

Seeing his sister falling over with laughter in the video.

Ding Yue finally relaxed.

It turns out that Xiaoyou had discovered the story about Huang Youjie's cross-dressing and being selected as the School's hunk.

That startled me.


Abruptly, Xiao You, who was on the video call, made a strange sound, and her brows furrowed slightly.

"What's the matter, little sis?"

At this moment, Ding Yue experienced a sense of foreboding.

The fact that he had founded Mist City Arts and Science University might not be concealed any longer; after all, the university had been trending on Twitter for a few days, it was bound to have some loopholes.

"The Principal of Mist City Arts and Science University, Ding Yue?"

Ding Xiaoyou looked inexplicably at her brother Ding Yue in the video call, then back at her phone screen on Twitter which reported that Ding Yue had just been elected the School's hunk.

There were comments below by students of Mist City Arts and Science University, saying that Ding Yue was the principal!

Ding Xiaoyou was confused.

What's all this?

Wasn't the brother declared the School's hunk at Mist City Arts and Science University?

How come he is the principal now?

At first, Ding Xiaoyou thought the netizens had mistyped, mistaking the campus hunk for the principal.

But after a closer look, she realized that it was not the case.

Ding Xiaoyou saw the Twitter account [Mist City Arts and Science University President Ding Yue]. It was even verified and listed as "Founder of Mist City Arts and Science University, President Ding Yue".

"Brother, why are you the founder and president of Mist City Arts and Science University?"

Ding Xiaoyou hurriedly asked her elder brother Ding Yue with curiosity.


As expected, his sister had found out, but Ding Yue breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she would find out at some point, better explain early than later.

"Xiaoyou, let me explain this to you..."


Ten minutes later.

"What? You mean... Brother... you actually are the founder and president of Mist City Arts and Science University? You established a private university?"

Ding Xiaoyou's face was filled with disbelief.

After all, it sounded too absurd, even a novel wouldn't dare to write such a thing, would it?

"Ahem, sis, it's enough that you know about this. Our parents' hearts, if they knew..."

Ding Yue pondered, since his secret was discovered by his sister, all he could do now was to come clean.

But as long as his sister knew, he didn't want his parents to know for the time being.

"So, brother, you want me to keep this a secret for you?"

Ding Xiaoyou rolled her eyes playfully.

"What a smart little sister."

"But brother, it's impossible to keep this a secret, isn't it? Dad and mom will find out sooner or later, why don't you just be honest with them?"

Ding Yue originally thought his sister would obediently help him keep the secret.

But he didn't expect this.

This little girl was actually advising him to confess!

"If I told mom and dad, wouldn't I be doomed!" Ding Yue shook his head and said, "Unless... Xiaoyou, you help me explain things to them, so they won't be too hard on me."

"No problem...wait, brother, last time you borrowed money from me, was it really for your ex-girlfriend's..."

Ding Xiaoyou was cut off by Ding Yue before she could finish her sentence.

"Alright, actually it's for this school, not for any abortion of an ex-girlfriend, I'm not a jerk, really."

"To set up a university...the campus is so huge, it's all yours? Or rented?"

"Yes, it's mine, not rented, but bought for a hundred million yuan."

"A hundred million? Oh my god, where did you get so much money? Did you rob a bank?"

"It's the school fees collected from the students."

Ding Xiaoyou's eyes widened, giving her brother a thumbs up: "Impressive, isn't this like getting something for nothing?"

First collect the admission fees, then buy a campus, it indeed sounded like getting something for nothing.

But Ding Yue couldn't tell his sister and parents that the hundred million was actually a reward from the system, could he?

He should be able to explain this to his sister and parents. Ding Yue began to quickly think of how to explain this to his mom and dad.

"Brother, what you did was really crazy, but it seems so exciting, even more thrilling than any novel or movie. I wonder what mom and dad will think when they find out?"

"Hmm, I guess I should come clean with mom and dad."

After thinking for a moment, Ding Yue decided to confess.

Because Ding Yue had come up with a fairly good reason, and his Mist City Arts and Science University had all the necessary paperwork, being a legitimate private university recognized by the education authorities.

After telling his parents, apart from being shocked, what else could they say?

There's no choice, who made this hurdle something that he must eventually have to cross.

Because for Ding Yue's Mist City Arts and Science University to upgrade, it needs the popularity exchange experience, and to get popularity, more people need to know about Mist City Arts and Science Universityr.

How to make more people aware of it?

Of course, by constantly trending on Twitter.

Just like Jian Zihao joining the E-sports Game College, and the recent school hunk trending, all planned by Ding Yue.

With those two trending, Ding Yue harvested millions in popularity.

If his Mist City Arts and Science University is known by more and more people, his parents are bound to find out too.

Sometimes, Ding Yue felt perplexed.

Why, when others time travel, they always become orphans?