Chapter 40: Holding the First Work Meeting_1

"No biggie, no biggie."

Looking into his sister's innocent eyes, Ding Yue quickly shook his head and cleverly changed the subject: "Xiao You, you see, this fountain has been mended pretty well, even though it was abandoned before. But you know, our dad has managed to fix it up in no time, which is impressive."

"Hmm~ Dad's the expert in plumbing and electrical repairs after all, right? I think this fountain would be even better if the water pressure system was a bit stronger."

"This is already shooting water up five or six meters, isn't that strong enough?"

"Bro, look at this big fountain, based on its surface area data and the number of small jets around it, the main pump should be calculated to spray about ten meters to be the most perfect and coordinated."

Truth be told.

Listening to his sister's analysis, Ding Yue looked at the water shooting up to five or six meters, and suddenly felt the grandeur he initially admired was gone.