Chapter 89 Winning the Championship (Request for Votes)_1

The song "Blue and White Porcelain" ended.

The audience and judges were completely enchanted by Lin Zhirou's captivating voice and the charming rhythm of the song.

The most common phrase among the audience was "This is too good to listen to."

However, the hall fell eerily silent after Lin Zhirou finished singing.

"Why is nobody clapping?"

Wen Ruohan asked curiously.

Ding Yue looked around at the audience, they seemed still immersed in the music.

About a second or two later, gradual applause started.



The applause echoed like a wave in the Star Sea Music Hall.

Several judges were discussing Lin Zhirou and the stunning song she sang.

"This girl's singing is top-notch, on par with Su Xixi."

"I think she's a bit below Su Xixi since Su Xixi was professionally trained at a music academy."

"But the impact this 'Blue and White Porcelain' gave me is far greater than Su Xixi's 'Lovesick.'"

"I agree with that."