Chapter 94: The First Experimental Project (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1


"University Development Task created - [First Experimental Project]."

"[First Experimental Project]: Please set up the first experimental project in the school and conduct relevant research. Upon completion, the system will rate the project accordingly; the higher the rating, the more generous the reward."

The system's voice sounded in Ding Yue's mind after he finished his phone call with Xu Bin.

A new university development task had arrived.

The system's "University Task Development System" would periodically release assignments based on the circumstances of the host, Ding Yue, and the development of the Mist City Arts and Sciences University.

Just earlier, Ding Yue had used a Science and Technology Card to pull out inflatable charging robot technology, then thought of Big White from "Super Combat Team."

He wondered if several departments could collaborate to develop a Big White robot.

Then, just like that, the system issued the "First Experimental Project" task.