Chapter 116 More than 3,000 Case Studies and Treatment Plans (2)_1

The person who entered was the tall secretary, Wen Ruohan.

Seeing Principal Ding was discussing matters with Director Qi from the Academic Affairs Office, Wen Ruohan carefully approached, bending to whisper in Ding Yue's ear, "Principal Ding, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei from the Department of Mechanical Engineering said they need to see you."


After hearing the message, Ding Yue gave a slight nod, then relayed some instructions to Qi Chunsheng, "Director Qi, when you go back, please oversee the scholarship program. Make sure that the scholarships are distributed with fairness and justice. Reward those who excel academically, and make sure that assistance is given to students who truly come from impoverished families. I don't want to see students from wealthy families squandering these funds."

"Of course, Principal Ding, we will definitely carry out strict audits."

"Alright, go on."