Chapter 137: One Episode Cost 1.2 Million (Fifth Update) _1

Administration Building.

Ding Yue returns to the Principal's Office with his secretary, Wen Ruohan.

"Student Wen Ruohan, please could you go to the supermarket and get me some snacks, and buy a cup of bubble milk tea on the way."

Ding Yue gives Wen Ruohan a task, finding something for his secretary to do.

"What snacks would you like, Principal Ding?"

Wen Ruohan asks, blinking her eyes.

"Anything is fine. See if there's something you like as well and buy it." Ding Yue shrugs in response.

What snacks to get isn't important. What's important is having snacks to eat later.

Otherwise, if you're watching the food documentary 'A Bite of Xia Country' and your stomach is growling, and no snacks to eat while you drool, wouldn't that be torturous?

Zhu Youzhao, the department head of the Film and Television Academy, will be bringing the first episode of the documentary they made for Ding Yue soon.