Chapter 171 Planning the Mechanical Department's Practical Training Base_1

After the third day of the exhibition.

Over 13,000 people have already visited the Mist City Arts and Science University exhibit area.

Task progress: 13824/20000 visitors

Looking at the task progress, Ding Yue felt that they could successfully complete the "Popular University Robot" task.

Ding Yue had even started to look forward to seeing what robot-related technology they'd get from the [Robot Science Tech Box] upon task completion.

That evening.

After everyone from Mist City Arts and Science University had dinner, Ding Yue called everyone to his hotel room for a temporary meeting.

"Is everyone here yet?"

Ding Yue quickly glanced around the hotel room, counting roughly a dozen people without being too precise.

Eventually, Secretary Wen Ruohan made a headcount.

All fourteen people from Mist City Arts and Science University were present.