Chapter 185: Giving a Chance to Game Design Students (Third Update)_3

"Well, that's not the case. Principal Ding promised to arrange a global luxury cruise tour for your summer vacation, and now I need to start booking tickets. But you guys are still busy, so I need to confirm the dates for the booking," Wen Ruohan explained.

"Oh, got it. In a week at most, we'll have finished manufacturing all 11 Big White robots," Tong Yihang replied.

"A week... well, we can't make the early month cruise then, we'll have to schedule for the middle of the month. Okay, Tong Yihang, I got it. You guys do your best. I'll get you tickets for the luxury cruise in mid-July."

"Great, thank you, Secretary Wen. We appreciate it."

"Hehehe, it's my job."

After ending the call, Wen Ruohan reported the situation to Principal Ding and then began preparing to purchase tickets.

Since it was a luxury cruise tour, the tickets would have to be for the most luxurious cruise available.

The most luxurious cruise anchored off the coast in mid-July was the Crystal Cruise.