Chapter 189: Director of the Education Bureau: _1

At the entrance of Mist City Arts and Science University.

A black sedan slowly arrived.

Ding Yue stood on the right side of the entrance. Upon seeing the black car, he turned to his secretary, Wen Ruohan, and asked, "Secretary Wen, is that the car?"

"I believe so. I checked, and the license plate matches Director Xiao Wenxing's car from our Mist City Education Department."

Wen Ruohan nodded, confirming.

Ding Yue had just received a call from Director Xiao Wenxing of the Mist City Education Department, and immediately hurried to the university gate to welcome him.

After all, Director Xiao was the head of the Education Department, overseeing Mist City's educational work.

Even though Ding Yue knew why Director Xiao came, he still gave him the respect he deserved.

However, only Ding Yue needed to come to welcome him; there was no need for a large-scale welcoming ceremony as that was not the practice.