Chapter 191 Exclusive Broadcasting Rights! (Third Update 6K Large Chapter, Please Subscribe)_1

Seeing how excited and happy Wen Ruohan is, it seems there must be some good news.


Ding Yue could not think of any good news at the moment.

Logically, the fact that the trending comments on yesterday's headline news were turning positive for Ding Yue and Mist City Arts and Science University was good news indeed.

This morning, the official Twitter accounts of Qinghua University and Yanjing University posted tweets congratulating the science champion of the College Entrance Examination from Mist City for choosing her desired university, and wishing Ding Xiaoyou a bright future.

Qinghua and Yancheng University are quite excellent, although both ultimately failed to admit Ding Xiaoyou, the smart and hardworking student.

But their congratulations and well-wishes showed the generosity of both universities.

"Wen Ruohan, what's the good news that makes you so happy?"

Ding Yue asked with a smile as he looked at Wen Ruohan.