Chapter 193 Students Return Safely! (Secondary Update of 10,000 Words Request for Subscription)_1

When Wen Ruohan received the call, her face instantly turned pale.

A buzzing noise echoed in her head.

"Secretary Wen? Secretary Wen?"

On the other end of the line was the voice of Zhu Youzhao, Dean of the Film and Television School, sounding extremely anxious.

"I...I'm here."

Wen Ruohan's forehead was already starting to perspire.

"Secretary Wen, please inform Principal Ding about this matter. I am rushing over there now."

The voice on the phone was Director Zhu Youzhao of the Film and Television School.

"Alright, alright, Director Zhu, please be careful too." Wen Ruohan said, then hung up the phone and hurried over to Principal Ding's side.

"Principal Ding, something bad has happened!"


Upon hearing her words, Ding Yue furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

Every time Secretary Wen Ruohan sought him, it was either good news or a problem.

However, what Ruohan usually referred as a problem often didn't amount to much.

"What happened?"

Ding Yue asked urgently.