Chapter 195 Hospital Pilot Test and Medical Insurance Card (First Update 6k Big Chapter Request Subscription)_4

Nothing beats good tech indeed!

"Connect this to the interface on Big White's chip," Xu Bin handed Liu Tiefei a transmission cable, instructing him accordingly.

"Yes, Principal Ding."

Liu Tiefei, being part of the core manufacturing team of the robot Big White, knew all about its interfaces and operations, making Xu Bin's detailed instructions unnecessary.

Liu Tiefei then went to the first medical robot and plugged the transmission cable into the chip interface.

From there, Xu Bin started loading the electronic billing system and the Medical Insurance Card System of Mist City Central Hospital onto Big White's medical chip through a console behind the stage.

"Iron, what's going on?" Tong Yihang, who was on stage, frowned and asked when he saw Liu Tiefei plugging in the transmission cable.

"Director Xu is loading the electronic billing system and the Medical Insurance Card System of Mist City Central Hospital onto our medical robot," Liu Tiefei whispered back his explanation.