Chapter 196 Elite Professional Manager Sister-Type (Second Update of Ten Thousand Words, Seeking Subscription)_2

"Once the pilot project at Mist City Central Hospital is complete, and we receive the medical device qualification for our healthcare robot Big White, we can officially begin to sell Big White commercially,"

Ding Yue said to Wen Ruohan, "At this time, our Feiyue Group will need a professional manager with strong business capabilities to manage the operations of Feiyue Group for me."

As the absolute controlling shareholder and chairman of Feiyue Group, Ding Yue did not need to personally be responsible for the commercial operations of the group.

The commercial business of Feiyue Group in the past was not extensive and was limited to operations such as the Feiyue E-sports Club and Feiyue Media artist Lin Zhirou, among others.

With the robot Big White about to enter mass production, there will be plenty of work to do.