Chapter 197 Principal Ding Will Definitely Like (Third Update, Please Subscribe) _2

It really is!

And it's even a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business!

This educational background...

Ding Yue suddenly understood what Secretary Wen Ruohan had said earlier – at this stage, his Feiyue Group might not match up to their education!

"Did I casually guess that she might be a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania?"

Ding Yue said incredulously.

"Indeed, that's what her resume says. She has also served as a senior executive in a company in America."

Wen Ruohan continued.

"This resume..."

Ding Yue didn't know what to say.

The thought of this caliber of a candidate applying for his Feiyue Group felt somewhat like an overkill.

However, since she has submitted her resume, it suggests she might have some difficulties; otherwise, why would she apply to the Feiyue Group?


Ding Yue decided to take a good look at this woman during the interview tomorrow.