Chapter 199 Imperial Polytechnic and Nanyang Technological University (Second Update of 10,000 words, Please Subscribe)_4

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Huang Youjie arrived at the office.

"Huang, any update on the purchase of energy chemistry technology equipment?" Ding Yue couldn't wait to ask just as Huang walked in.

I wonder which world-renowned university we finally reached a purchasing agreement with.

"Um, we have discussed purchasing energy chemistry technology equipment with Cambridge University, Imperial Polytechnic University, Nanyang Technological University, Technical University of Denmark and Singapore National University. The Singapore National University hasn't indicated their intention yet, but there seems to be interest from both Cambridge University and Imperial Polytechnic University."

Huang Youjie reported the matter to Ding Yue.

After all, the matter of purchasing energy chemistry technology equipment was handed over to his own logistics and procurement department.

And Huang Youjie is the person in charge of that department.

Of course.