Chapter 203 Big White kindly prompts you ghs was sentenced _____ years (the third update 6k large chapter subscription request) _3

Some netizens with more expertise conducted a knowledge sharing session online, though it's unsure if their comments were noticed by the majority.

"Big White, come and say hello to everyone," instructed Professor Luo Xiang in the manner taught by Xu Bin, initiating an interactive greeting with Big White.

Robot Big White must receive a voice command before it can proactively greet people.

At this moment,

Robot Big White received Professor Luo Xiang's interactive command.

Usually, this type of command is set for all, meaning that anyone can tell Big White, "Big White, greet everyone", and upon hearing this, Big White would then greet everyone.

Because Robot Big White is now engaged in public activities, this type of interactive command is set.

If Big White is to provide private services, then it can be set to respond to private commands.

That is to say, only the owner can command Big White, and Big White would only carry out the command after hearing the 'master' instruction.