Chapter 206: Refusing to cooperate with unscrupulous enterprises (Third update seeking subscription) _1

"Principal Ding."

"Miss An, what can I do for you?"

Ding Yue regained his senses from An Yujia's assertive voice and then asked.

An Yujia is the CEO of Feiyue Group, personally appointed by Ding Yue. Knowing that he was out on a trip, she still called him. There must be something important.

Otherwise, for usual trivial matters concerning the Feiyue Group, Ding Yue had told her that she could make decisions on her own.

As long as it does not affect the overall direction of development of the Feiyue Group.

Because the operation of the Feiyue Group is closely linked to the construction and development of Mist City Arts and Science University.

"Principal Ding, here is the thing, Haicheng Dingli Group contacted us, saying that they want to be the OEM for our medical health robot, Big White."

An Yujia first talked about the phone call she received from Haicheng Dingli Group.

"Haicheng Dingli Group... I've heard of it. It seems to be a well-known domestic manufacturing company."