Chapter 209: Shock! Bookship Library Lights Up For the First Time (10,000 Word Update Requesting Subscriptions)_2

The Book Ship Library truly resembles an impressive and beautiful sailing ship.

Honestly, Ding Yue eagerly anticipates the day.

As the Book Ship Library of Mist City Arts and Science University is almost completed, and the school's enrollment publicity video team has come over to shoot a video, the students who are still on campus during the holiday season all come to visit the new library.

"Wow, it is much more spectacular now that it's almost finished than when we saw it before."

"Hmm, the architectural plan looks so grand, really impressive!"

"Take a photo quickly and check in. We are the first batch of students to check in at the Book Ship Library, hehehe."

"Look, isn't that Principal Ding and the others?"

"Yes, yes, yes, the school is shooting the enrollment promotional video."

"Then our school's Book Ship Library must be included in the shooting."

"Look up, there seems to be a drone in the sky."