Chapter 223 - Opening day, Sci-Fi reading experience (Third update 6k big chapter request subscription)_1

Starting from August 20th, freshmen have been successively reporting to various universities in Mist City University Town.

The registration date for freshmen at Mist City Arts and Science University starts on August 23rd and lasts for an uncertain number of days, depending on the situation, as Ding Yue can't determine how many self-recruited students will report this year.

However, some students actually arrived in Mist City from mid-August.

Because Mist City is a popular online destination and a city full of delicacies, many college entrance examination graduates from middle-class families who are preparing to register at Mist City Arts and Science University have already come to Mist City to have some fun.

Then they would go to Mist City Arts and Science University to register.