Chapter 227 Sister, do you think I can do it? (First update 6k big chapter subscription request)_4

As Principal Ding's personal secretary, Wen Ruohan often had to directly contact the directors of various departments. Thus, Wen Ruohan's mobile phone directory contained the contact information of the directors of more than twenty departments within Mist City Arts and Science University.

"Hello, Secretary Wen, what's up?"

After receiving the call, Director Liu Wei of the Computer Science Department hastily inquired.

"Director Liu, Principal Ding asked me to check with you, how many new students has the Computer Science Department recruited so far?"

"Oh, that's what you're asking about. Just a moment, I'll check the list." Director Liu Wei was at the recruitment venue, so he hurried to check the total number of students recruited.

The tally was 27 students.

"Secretary Wen, I checked, and we have already admitted 27 new students to the Computer Science Department," Director Liu Wei promptly relayed the information to Wen Ruohan after seeing the numbers.