Chapter 228 Congratulations! Medical qualification obtained (second update, 6k big chapter, please subscribe)_2

At this moment, Ding Yue was at the school gate, welcoming batch after batch of new students enrolling for the class of 2021.

Upon suddenly receiving a call from An Yujia, Ding Yue stepped to a less crowded area: "Hello, Miss An, what's up?"

"Principal Ding, it's about my friend's younger brother that I mentioned last time, he has agreed to provide us with evidence when we sue."

On the phone, An Yujia said excitedly.

"Great news! With this, Rentang Medical Technology and Dingli Group will surely lose!"

Ding Yue's confidence soared instantly.

With the evidence provided by An Yujia's friend's younger brother, we will definitely be able to firmly confront Dingli Group and Rentang Medical Technology Group, and hit them hard.

Now, Ding Yue was waiting for his robot, Big White, to successfully obtain the medical equipment qualification.