Chapter 230 Academic Overlord Totem! (First update 6k big chapter subscription request)_2

After all, this is the essence of the traditional culture of Xia Country. If there were a higher education department that could inherit and carry forward the essence of the traditional arts and culture of Xia Country, that would be quite good.

Ding Yue felt that there was certainly a lot of room for growth in this area.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Come in."

Upon hearing the knock on the door, Ding Yue immediately allowed the person to enter.

Wen Ruohan went to open the door, and the one who entered the office was the Academic Affairs Director, Qi Chunsheng.

He had just visited the Principal's office at noon and was here again; it seemed that the student registration days were particularly busy; Wen Ruohan thought so.

"Director Qi, what happened?"

Seeing Qi Chunsheng as if he had something to tell him, Ding Yue asked directly.

"Principal Ding, there's a little situation at the student registration venue." Qi Chunsheng replied.