Chapter 233: Your Own Logistics Department (First Update 6k Big Chapter Subscription Required)_1

As the Principal of Mist City Arts and Science University, Ding Yue has the authority to set up the use of props.

So, Ding Yue directly removed his little sister Ding Xiaoyou's name from the coverage of the [Academic Overlord Totem].

In other words, Ding Xiaoyou will no longer be able to enjoy the collective benefits of the [Academic Overlord Totem].

"Resetting is complete, implement the [Academic Overlord Totem] prop."

With Ding Yue's slight intent.


"Congratulations on successfully using the [Academic Overlord Totem] prop."

As the system's prompt sounded, the [Academic Overlord Totem] item in the inventory turned into a faint golden light beam and shot into the sky.

Ding Yue was the only one who could see this, his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou and his secretary Wen Ruohan had no idea what was going on.

They only saw Ding Yue looking up at the sky, wondering what he was watching?